Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sometimes it’s the voice that gradually decreases.It is possible to note some in a relative modification of the attitude of the gestures, the deflection of an arm, the positioning of a hand, the stiffness of a leg lying around, etc. but these are not typical parkinson symptoms that can readily establish the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.For some patients, the onset of this disease simply results in a feeling of tiredness, a general loss of energy, a physical fatigue which is sometimes confused with fibromyalgia, among other symptoms because these accompanied by sleep disturbances and memory for example.

The beginnings of the Parkinson disease (occurring at about 40 to 50 years) are insidious, so much so that the symptoms are sometimes marked only by the patient’s family.The onset is most often insidious and is usually around fifty-five. In fact, it can occur at any age but rarely before age 40 or after 75 years: it was found in about 5% of cases the onset of the disease between 20 and 40 years similar to Parkinson’s disease described in the older people.There are many Parkinson Symptoms which are listed below.